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Block Messenger Introduction

Instant Messaging can be a benefit to business when used properly, but IM is often abused by employees and poses significant liability and security risks.

The free consumer IM client programs in widest use, such as AIM, Yahoo and MSN Messenger, pose many security concerns. Consumer IM programs often support more than just simple text-based chat. They may also include peer to peer file transfer capabilities, which can pose security risks in two ways. Internal users can send documents that may be confidential out of your network, circumventing your network's perimeter defenses against file sharing programs or e-mail attachments. On the other hand, external users can send files that might contain viruses or malicious code to users on the internal network. In addition, a liability risk arises if employees use the file transfer feature to share copyrighted music, movie or software files in violation of the law.

Using WFilter to monitor and block messengers.

Related Features:

  • Monitor instant messenger usage.
  • Record chat contents.
  • Record files transfered by instant messenger softwares.
  • Implement a policy to block certain softwares or user accounts.
  • Block instant messenger file transfers.
  • Support various softwares.Including AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, Google talk, QQ and others.

WFilter other monitor features:

Block Messenger Software Download

WFilter Enterprise
Updated: 2010-07-28

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